Local Scholarships
Attention BHS Team 2025 Families - it's LOCAL SCHOLARSHIP TIME! The deadline to apply is Tuesday, February 11th at 3:30pm.
Thank you to the BHS Counseling Department for compiling this information and all of the local organizations for offering these scholarships to Brownsburg students!
BHS Announcements
In a message to the school community on November 12, Dr. Kat Jessup shared the 24-25 inclement weather plans.
Sound of Brownsburg marches in the Rose Parade in January of 2026
Brownsburg High School, has earned a place on the AP School Honor Roll for the 2023-24 school year!
These BHS students have been honored by the National Merit organization.
Dr. Kat Jessup will be the next BCSC Superintendent, pending public comment and Board vote.
Lingelbaugh moves to Associate Principal, Mattingly and Mahan return to BHS.