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Cell Phone/Wireless Device Procedures

Per Indiana code and BCSC School Board policy, students’ electronic devices shall be stored away in a bag or pocket and shall not be used unless directed by a teacher for instructional purposes. Additionally, smart watches shall not be used for entertainment or communication purposes during class time.  Electronic devices are permitted before and after school, lunch, and during passing period.

CLICK HERE to read the full policy - BCSC Policy 4307

BHS Procedures:

1. At the beginning of the school year and when returning from breaks, staff shall review the Indiana code/district policy, expectations, and rules for electronic devices with students. 

2. First offense per class - An individual student’s electronic device(s) shall be placed in a location as designated by teacher until the end of class, and a parent/guardian shall be contacted by teacher.  

3. Second offense per class – An individual student’s electronic device(s) shall be placed in a location as designated by teacher until the end of class, team shall be contacted to pick up the electronic device(s) to keep until the end of day. Parent/Guardian shall be contacted by teacher.  

4. Third offense per class – An individual student’s electronic device(s) shall be placed in a location as designated by teacher until the end of class, team shall be contacted to pick up the electronic device(s) to keep until parent/guardian pick up.  Parent/Guardian shall be contacted by Team. 

5. Additional offenses – Any student progressing past a third offense shall have an individual plan put in place to prevent further offenses (Parent/Guardian shall be a part of this plan) and is subject to progressive discipline.  For example, parent shall keep student’s phone at home or student shall turn in phone to teacher prior to class.  

*If a student refuses to put electronic device in a neutral location or give it to a teacher to be taken to the team office, then student shall be sent to the team office immediately.

**Offenses will reset each semester; however, individual plans may stay in place.

BHS Electronic Device Matrix